Sunday, August 1, 2010

I Love Self Tanners

Hey ladies so I thought I would do a little post on some of the my favourite self tanners and some of my not so favourite self tanners :)

I never really go for expensive tanning products to be honest because wan if Ited a perfect tan I would go to the salon and have a spray tan done, but I mostly like to use moisturising self tanners that build up over some time I think they give a more natural look.

So lets get started with the self tanners that I like, I have so many different ones I limited it down to just a few I like.

(This is in no particular order , just the products I like to use the most & the ones I would reccomend to anybody)

So I like to use this Garnier Summer Body Moisturising Lotion - now I haven't actually used this in awhile but it is definitely one of my favourites that I have came across yet !

This lotion isn't thick and is easy to apply , when I'm using this product I generally use it after I shower before bed , after one application I always see visible results of a tan starting to build up , I'd say after the third day of using this I see full results.

This tan builds up well Ive never found it to streak , and it has a fresh fruity scent unlike other self tanners that can smell absolutely gross !

I would say to wash your hands after applying this product because in the past my hands did turn slightly orange in between my fingers if I didn't wash my hands properly, but overall this is a good self tanner, reasonable price ... I'm not sure 100% on the price but I know that it's very in-expensive and I would recommend this product to anybody.

Another of my favourites again by Garnier .. is this Garnier Ambre Solaire Self-tanning 12hr moisturising milk.
I love love love this self tanner ! I bought this when I was on holidays in Australia for five weeks reason being I'm so pale and wanted to give my body a tad bit of colour , so I was looking around the shops and came across this , I never actually had seeing this product anywhere in Ireland but I'm sure you can buy it anywhere. I'm not sure how much it is here in Ireland but it cost me 12 Australian dollars which is a bit pricey for a self tanning moisturiser - but it was so worth it.
Again I used this after I showered and before bed and I was amazed when I woke up the colour I achieved from just one application - a very strong bronze colour but not orange !
I didn't use this everyday because of the colour I achieved in 1 application I thought it would be a bit too much so I used it every second day, it was great for holidays and when I came back from Ireland I still used it and still do now. It smells good - doesn't have a strong scent which is good and doesn't leave you streaky so I would recommend this product to anybody - one of my favourites I have tryed so far.

If you read my blog you may have noticed that Ive blogged about this St Moriz instant tanning mousse quite a bit , but I love it.
This is the tan I have found myself reaching for the most in the last couple of months.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about this because I already have a separate review on this product so go check that out if you want to know what I think about this - all I can say is love love love !

This is the same as Garnier Summerbody but for your face (Garnier Summerface 12hr moisturising cream) ... I don't really apply that much self tan to my face if I was doing my body , because I have sensitive skin and break out a lot so I'd prefer not to use these type of products on my face just in case it would result in me breaking out - I bought this when I bought the Garnier Summerbody I think there was a offer on or something and I love it ... if I was to put self tanner on my face this is the product I would use, It never has broken me out, it doesn't have that icky smell it has a very fruity smell and is very moisturising on the face. I have used different self tanners for your face in the past and found that some turn very orange and blotchy but when using this it never has occured.

Another one of my favourite self tanning moisturisers is this Dove Summer Glow. At one stage everybody ranted and raved about this product - I myself being one of them people :)

This smells great , it also gives wonderful moisture which is good because I have very dry skin.

This is very build-able and it gives a very natural looking tan which I love.

I haven't found this product to streak on me but I would say to apply a little amount to your knee's, elbows, ankles and feet because if you apply to much it leaves these area's orange (believe me it has happened to me)

but if you apply very little you'll be non-orange !

This leaves my skin feeling soft and looking like I have a healthy glowing tan.

Its also very affordable so I would recommend this to anybody !

Two products that are a noo noo for me . . .

This is disgusting ! That's how I can only describe this product , I actually don't know why I haven't binned this already because I binned the Johnsons Daily Body Moisturiser - both of these products are the same only this one is for your face.
This left my face blothcy and a colour didn't even really show up on my face ... but the smell ugh !
The smell is very strong and it lingers long after the product dries in ... maybe it's just me but I personally dislike this very much and would not reccomend this to anybody.

This is another product I cannot stand ! I bought this from Avon awhile back now ... and only ever tryed it once , but from the experience I had with this I won't be using it again.
It was the smell that turned me off this - it is so over powering I was actually choking on the smell !
The product itself is very watery , I only did my legs with this because the smell was too strong and I'm glad I didn't do the rest of my body because my poor legs were left patchy and orange. Dislike dislike dislike !

So that was suppose to just be a 'little post' on some of the self tanner's I like and some that I don't like , I also love the Rimmel Sunshimmer instant tan & also Sally Hanson Airbrush legs.

I'm always on the hunt for new 'affordable' self tanners and instant tanners so if you guys know of any other products that you would recommend be sure to let me know in the comments below :)

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